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a good word revolution

From our vantage point, one positive word can make all the difference in the world. One positive view possesses the power to transform. It is our forever hope that among the thousands of words we illuminate, one will resonate and shift the vantage point of the receiver to a view of the world that vaporizes for at least a brief moment any and all negative emotion they ever could have visualized. l o V e!

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Thursday, September 26, 2013

playing with w o r d s

I have found (and research confirms) that exposure to positive words can help in building esteem. By manipulating positive words in the top three learning styles (tactile, auditory and visual) at least one of the exercises will speak to you.

Here are a few exercises that I recently did it the Museum of the Southwest.

“Be the word, you wish to see in the world!”

Exercise 1 / Visual
You are…
Materials needed: Something to write on, and something to write with.

Sit around a table with family, friends or familial f o l k s. Each person writes their name at top of paper. Pass the card to the left. Participants write two positive words that describe the person who’s name is at the top.
When each person receives their own card back, the exercise is complete. 

We have been known to carry our cards around with us, or keep them in sight as reminders.

Exercise 2 / Tactile
I want to be…
Materials needed: Scissors, Glue Sticks, Recycled magazines and newspapers, paper.
Think about words that can build identity. s t r o n g, s a f e, b e a u t i f u l, s m a r t...

A word can be specific for you or chosen at random from a word bank. You do have a word bank, by now? Strong, pretty, smart, loving, kind…

Thumb through the pages of magazines to find pictures that show that word as a visual representation. Cut images, arrange, and paste into a collage.

Also called “Be the word, you wish to see in the world!”

Exercise 3 / Auditory
Share Words
Find literature that expresses positive thought and high self esteem ideology. At least weekly share and read positivity text, and say loving words often. Need somewhere to start? Try pictureless ebooks, A is for Angel and A is for Apple.


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