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w o r l d

Pssssssst! I have a secret to share.... There is nothing wrong with your world. Fix the vibration. l o v e

a good word revolution

From our vantage point, one positive word can make all the difference in the world. One positive view possesses the power to transform. It is our forever hope that among the thousands of words we illuminate, one will resonate and shift the vantage point of the receiver to a view of the world that vaporizes for at least a brief moment any and all negative emotion they ever could have visualized. l o V e!

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Monday, July 25, 2011

y o u

You. p i c t u r e l e s s is yours. We believe it is yours more than you may ever know and that is absolutely fine. But, while we have you here reading this, please know it is YOU who we want to say YES to and that is exactly what we do!

Friday, July 22, 2011

o b l o n g

u l t r a v i o l e t

United under one principle: to positively play with our ABCs in as many fun ways as we can come up with! It is simple, clean and keeps us on the edge of the unknown, exactly where we want to be!

From our vantage point, one positive word can make all the difference in the world. One positive view possesses the power to transform. It is our forever hope that among the thousands of words we illuminate, one will resonate and shift the vantage point of the receiver to a view of the world that vaporizes any and all negative emotion they ever could have visualized. V a v o o M!

w o r d s!

Whoa! What? WOW! Um, those are actually the most common three words used at p i c t u r e l e s s.  It all amazes us. We feel as if it all just started though it has been in the works for well over a decade. What makes us happiest is to hear a child read their letters and beam with pride as the word quietly, or boldly, touches their heart. We see it everyday. Every single day. Whoa! What? WOW!

Saturday, July 9, 2011

t w e e t t w e e t

Check out our twitter feed to the far left side panel... cute little birdie, huh?  Follow us please!

A m a z i n g!  We can add it to posts!  As Teff would say, "Shut Up!" and as I always respond, "No seriously!"  And we do that back and forth a few times giggling.

Wa d o r e you!

and L O V E that you stopped by!

Happy s a t u r d a y!

What's your g o o d w o r d that makes y o u think s u m m e r?

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

t i c k l e me f a b u l o u s

Teffanie White. Words are a way of life for her. And when she and Adrea connected, she immediately imagined the possibilities. She’s good like that. (Adrea not so much but she has other talents!) Teff is an educator, an uplifter, a mother, a sister and the most curious soul you might ever meet. Together, these two creators blend, bringing out the best in each other and the result, so far, is this incredible company. Tomorrow? Who knows! Fabulous!