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Pssssssst! I have a secret to share.... There is nothing wrong with your world. Fix the vibration. l o v e

a good word revolution

From our vantage point, one positive word can make all the difference in the world. One positive view possesses the power to transform. It is our forever hope that among the thousands of words we illuminate, one will resonate and shift the vantage point of the receiver to a view of the world that vaporizes for at least a brief moment any and all negative emotion they ever could have visualized. l o V e!

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Monday, February 7, 2011

z e p h y r

We’re aiming for our zenith. Always. And guess what the best part is? Our zenith is always pushing us ahead so we are always moving forward. Our zenith drives our growth. We sure hope you’ll decide to come along for the zesty ride.

Our books…

The a n g e l series
Designed to teach children their ABCs while boosting self-esteem, self-worth and self-love.
A is for Angel
A is for Apple

The c a n v a s series
Designed to play with all forms of art—from dance to painting, to singing and fashion!
C is for Canvas

The e x p l o r e series
Designed to call out science and math words.
Current titles:
E is for El Niño

The i m a g i n a t i o n series
Designed for ages 9 and up. More complex words, more complex emotions.
Current titles:
I is for Inspiration

The n o t h i n g series
Designed for all ages to see words in a way that makes them really think, maybe even bug you enough to imagine!
Current titles:
Ur Txtbk
N is for Never Night

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