
Monday, December 29, 2014

'Tis the Season

I arrived in Houston (my coming of age city) for the annual fabulous TCSA conference. Big Al retrieved me from my hotel. We met A.J. and Tre for a lovely late meal. After dinner, the n i g h t c a p consisted of me and Big Al wandering River Oaks viewing holiday decoration d e c a d a n c e.

It occurred to me at some point - between identifying a new fad of lighted moss strands swinging free vine (new to me hence the lack of giant trees in my neck of West Texas sans woods), and searching out Aurora Greenway's / Shirley MacLaine's, Terms of E n d e a r m e n t house with its current situation of winter squash still donning the porch - that this was familiar. H a u n t i n g these same streets with the Big Al of another era. The me of another era.

The e r a when Houston housed two dailies and Eddie Taubensee caught for the A s t r o s and I caught Etta James live at Fitzgerald's.

The era of my Rap-A- Lot Records"My Mind is Playin Tricks on Me" 
doot do do do doo doot doot... My mind was. My vision blurred with tears.

I took Interview l i b e r t y to silence radio p e r s o n a l i t y Delilah and asked, "Would they be proud of us?"


"The us of before?"

Quizzically, "I think so. It could have gone many ways."

I knew what he meant. I toyed with the knob for a while and wondered.

I didn't have a hands down unequivocal answer like d a y o n e keynote, Dr. Adolph Brown, seemed to have - from bad boy to good man, or Drake, Started from the Bottom, now we're Here. More like started here an' am still here kind of rise to fabulous marginal.

Or was it?

What would future you tell current you? In an Interstellar way without components of time lapsed travel snaked with s i n g u l a r i t y.

Then theme o' the month happened. {Insert Music}
You know when a theme hits. Like when you get a new (to you) Mercedes C230. Thanks, Farmer Guy.
The universe starts doing the most!
All of the sudden, every third car you see is a C230. In every other parking space adjacent to your now not so unique whip parks a similar variation. If I pay extra close attention by next week there will be a total of 230 of this same car within a thirty mile radius of my job.
There you have it. Theme o' the month! {Insert Music}

This month's apparent recurring theme o' the month:

What would this you say to that you, and what would that you say to this you, and even better what will the next you say to you you? Endless c o n t i n u u m.

I think Baxter of Hoop Path hoped they would all say, "Thank you!"

Days later confined to my sick bed, Farmer Guy raced into the boudoir to flip on an OWN's, A Primetime Soul - to Soul Event. Oprah created a montage asking guests several questions, o n e of which, "What would you tell your younger self?"


I opened the blogs from Positively P o s i t i v e, and there it was again, What I know at 40 That I'd tell myself at 20.


To stop the processing of mortality at every turn, I decided to answer the q u e s t i o n. What advice would evoke a life in which me questioning me would end an answering of - this is me, in whom I am well pleased?

That night I slept, and dreamt an actual Bible verse speaking to me from a playing card: I Corinthians 3:9.

Okay, we ARE going there.

1 Corinthians 3:9New International Version (NIV)For we are co-workers in God’s service; you are God’s field, God’s building.
1 Corinthians 3:9GOD’S WORD Translation (GW)We are God’s coworkers. You are God’s field.You are God’s building.1 Corinthiens 3:9La Bible du Semeur (BDS)Car nous travaillons ensemble au service de Dieu, et vous, vous êtes le champ qu'il cultive. Ou encore: vous êtes l'édifice qu'il construit.1 Corintios 3:9La Biblia de las Américas (LBLA)Porque nosotros somos colaboradores de Dios, y vosotros sois labranza de Dios, edificio de Dios.1 Wakorintho 3:9Neno: Bibilia Takatifu (SNT)Sisi ni wafanyakazi pamoja na Mungu; ninyi ni shamba la Mungu; ninyi ni jengo la Mungu.

Well, I guessed, I would definitely need her to embody that, but what does God do? How can I be Higher Power's co-worker if I don't know what My Boo does ("God is My Boo" #iyanlavanzant).

Then all it once - g i v e. God gives! What I would want to tell the many me(s) is to give.

Give. Give Love. Give Thanks. forGive. Give touches. Give gifts. Give time. Give service. Give w o r d s. forGive. Give it your All. Give. Give. Give. Give. Give. Give. Give to yourself. forGive yourself. Give. Give. And then give some more.  

New apparent recurring theme o' the month.

At every turn, people are giving me wonderful g i f t s & p r e s e n t s.  A new romance by Melissa Foster, Game of Love. Purple sweet potato pies, notes by posts, facials from Darla @The Domain Origins, organic cookies from Emily @The Domain Whole Foods, Mama - in - Love gift package to The s p a @ Canyon Oaks.


Or is that the holidays? 'Tis the s e a s o n!!!

Heri za Kwanzaa!

l o v e

Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Thursday, December 18, 2014

p a s s words

Want more +++ words in your life? Change your passwords to #fabu1ous, @1oving, 3n3rgizing* words. 

Then focus.


Saturday, December 6, 2014

affirmation i n t o gratitude

Gratitude v i b r a t e s energy.

Whirlybird crème brulee scorching with caramelized sugar on top old skool hip-hop energy. Figgy bread pudding with f r e s h whipped creme birthday dessert energy. Thank you, Farmer Guy.

I know when I'm there. The sun shines brighter. The zephyr smells sweeter. I d a n c e  in my o w n hula - hoop. I know when I'm not. 

I'm overly committed to thinking about decisions, thoughts and d e e d s of others.

#o b s e s s i o n


I'm even thinking about possible decisions, thoughts and deeds of others.

Really? I'm sooooooooooo NOT in my own hoop. I'm way over there somewhere.

Pondering the real f o o d legacy of Caesar Chavez or wondering about Ray & Janay Rice, or s l e e p l e s s nights grieving the life of Michael Brown, or questioning will the people ever jump into a Russell Brand style rEVOLution, or the effects and causes of triangulation, or really why she always BE trippin'... Bye, Felicia!

Really? Really?


I sip my yerba mate. I exit the judgment business. Stage left.

The global domino effect may happen to be my business. Alerting the youth I get to p l a y with may be my business, but the whys of this divinely intricate and perfectly carved universe are not.

CODA anthem - All together now:

I am powerless over others.
I am powerless over others.
I am powerless over others.

Instead of trying to understand crazy as I have been known to tout. Right, Dr. Glo? 
If one understands crazy then one is also crazy or pretty close to it. 

I breathe and affirm. 

I am powerless over others.

I sip my yerba mate. I'm into the gratitude business. Shingle hung.


#g r a t i t u d e


Gratitude. It's what's real.

In my gratitude shop, there are w o r d s,  hula hoops and tasty #farmtotable food. All for sell!

The Manchild posts mama's photo on his Ig for #wcw, and invites me to tea after a local reading by Levi the Poet. Miss Sweetness rottens me with cadeaus of bricks of patchouli bars with books. We watch hours of reality shows sprinkled over Dr. Who and AHS after Sunday s t e a m s in the sauna. Sweet at home Abbybama k i s s e s me on my cheek before her trek. 

In my gratitude shop our bills are nearly p a i dThe mamas give much. 

Real p a t friends split Korean pancakes after d u s k. We mourn together. My fabulous fb family showers p e a r l s of bd w i s h e s that clog the farmlife internet ethers into the night. Bob's mom texts tales of Phookas that protect the harvest under ginormous a u t u m n moons. 

I am thankful that I have so many vibrant sensational personalities in my life, and I love knowing that I am p o w e r l e s s over them all.

I relish our s t o r i e s crossing. How awesome!

In my gratitude shop I can,

Stop giving a sh*t and appreciate love. 

The stop giving a sh*t, "They're coming, Katniss!" Mockingjay kind of appreciative love.

in g r a t i t u d e & 


Sunday, November 30, 2014

the f word!

f u n

No book, no blog entry, no tweet, no card, t-shirt or speech is created at p i c t u r e l e s s books that isn’t fun and our fullest pleasure. When we have fun, we create fun. We love to take on fiery subjects and make them fun. Life’s biggest, toughest subjects deserve a little feisty fun. So, when things get funky, and make us feel like we’re falling over a big cliff, we first find the fun, then play from there.

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

FREE Cotton: Cotton Tools Around the Home

FREE Cotton: Cotton Tools Around the Home: When considering a Scholastic Parent and Child Magazine question, I asked my children now eighteen and thirteen what items did they love ...

e l paso cc l o v e

My how time f l i e s! On Nov. 22, EPCC will host the sixth annual Literary Fiesta to celebrate writers from El Paso and nearby areas. Love to Love

Courtesy Lisa Elliot
Writing workshop featuring Teffanie White at last year's Literary Fiesta.

Saturday, November 1, 2014

s q u e e z e your b r e a s t love

Each year I repost this blog for remembrance. A couple of weeks ago my dear friend had a double mastectomy. Thanks to Angelina Jolie, we can all feel more hopeful about reconstruction and selfies.


It's all pink again!

Last October, I don't remember.

This year, each ribbon follows me and leaves pink traces behind my eyelids.  This year- the year of biopsies, the year of lumpectomy, the year my mother had a mastectomy.

Adrea is in the habit of sending by post (that in itself is fabulous).  Sometimes the treats from my partner breathe through their packaging, forcing my children to rattle the contents.  That time they were pictureless word cards.  Each card presented one of the words we claim on post sized cards, business sized cards, or itty bitty cards.  They were gorgeous.  I traveled with them half across the state to share with my mother during the post chemo / pre-surgery / pre-radiation hospital moments.

Mom twisted them around and palmed them.  I saw fear vanishing from her.  When the anesthesiologist entered, he began to share the process.  First, we will do this, then that, the important thing is to clear your mind.

"We have words for that, Mom, from the 'nothing' series."

The doctor was intrigued.  I shared p i c t u r e l e s s with him- Clear Clouds, Memory Music, Invisible Icicles.  He deemed them appropriate and darling.  He modified my mother's instructions to a p i c t u r e l e s s place.

In a childlike voice my mother asked for surgical tape.  When he returned she began praying and taping positive word cards on her body.  Then, my fear vanished.  This is l i f e and life is b e a u t i f u l.

Each hospital employee, visitor, and friend that witnessed that moment became instantly radiant.  The words connected us, protected us, and let us breathe through those moments one moment at a time.

It's all pink again!

BTW, MaRose is doing f a b u l o u s l y!

Saturday, June 7, 2014

Thursday, March 27, 2014

nefeterius & the gift of the m a g i c h!

"Faction before blood." Hmmmmmm...Rather - faction and b l o o d

We do all, we are Divergent:

a b n e g a t i o n
e r u d i t e 
d a u n t l e s s 
a m i t y 
c a n d o r

Kudos to Veronica Roth for these f a b u l o u s words! Haven't seen the movie yet, but just finished the book. s m a r t world building!

Here's another faction...the m a g i c h! My brand new word for a sect that I don't see referenced often.


noun, plural ma-gich-es

f. la magich
m. le magich

1. your MAma's GIrlfriend's CHildren.
2. magical serendipitous fantasy parallel universe subliminal bond.
3. the offspring(s) of your play aunt.

Treesia, my older magich, attended UNT.

When you were young, you played with these m a g i c h e s , while your mothers shared "tea".

I assume the mamas talked shop, traded recipes, reviewed articles and books. They probably chatted about their loves and passions. Maybe they debated education, politics, religion, diets and parenting styles. Surely, they consulted and advised on fashions, fads and all issues personal. 

I know they talked about us.

I know because I am a mother, and I have girlfriend tea. And we talk.

"What's the t e a, Girl?"

Our tea is not always as traditional as an old school version. 

If I see a f a n t a s t i c blog on "how to talk to your daughter about her body", I immediately text it to all of my mama girlfriends. We discuss and v o w to affirm our children like the article suggests. We begin to talk with our girls differently creating a similar experience for our children. 

This c o l l e c t i v e parenting consciousness can even be a side comment in tea conversation. 

"Martial Arts had such a positive impact on Is." 

Weeks after this tea comment, I enrolled my son into a martial arts program. 

This co-creation comes in a m y r i a d of forms.

There are many influences outside of your family of origin that deeply affect your upbringing. I will boldly say that we are possibly more alike in experience with our magiches than many other people on the planet. The same b o o k s lined our shelves, the same television programs were watched, the same foods plated our dinner tables, we may have even shared a holiday or a day trip or two - because our mamas were friends.

For some reason this relationship escaped my heart's magnitude until a few days ago. I couldn't define who I lost to onlookers. My speech shattered. I couldn't quite explain my connection to this love. 

Now I have the word, the words.

I lost a s u b l i m e and fabulous magich. This world lost Nefeterius Akeli McPherson.

You see, I'm the older magich, the Big Tee, at least that is what Ms. Martha, our nanny called me. 

She was Little Tee.

Then along came a Baby Tee. I love you, Tamara.

I'm not quite sure how it all m a g i c h a l l y worked with me being eldest, but Little Tee has always been in my periphery - a validation across the aisle.

If you have magiches...

You don't even know why you know all about these people's lives. It would make much more sense if they were actually a limb on your genealogical t r e e, or if you had chosen the relationship on your own.When we talked as adults we didn't have to 'catch up' on on-goings and recent events - not because of social media or gossip, but because our mamas already told us. 

We participated in a lot of the same experiences, probably at the orchestration of our dear mothers. They all get to take j o y and ownership of 'their' childrens' successes, the mama group also share pain together with 'their' childrens' losses.

They become theirs, we become theirs. Sarabis holding down Pride Rock.

J'aime mes magiches

My mom called last week to tell me, Little Tee only had hours to live. A quake shocked my soul. I don't know a world without her. We arranged for the Fabulous Mo Creole to escort Mama Rose three hours away to quickly be at her l o n g time friend's side. Thank you, Mo Creole

I wanted to play it super somber, and super cool. I wanted to hold a supportive s l a s h comforting role. Then I heard my anthem for the week...

Turn Down! For What?

I listened, prayed, kicked, screamed, cried and laughed a bit. I questioned the fairness of all things g o o d. Then my pen hit the paper and I drafted the w o r d list that I rattled off at her wake of all the things we were able to share by having mamas that were d e a r friends.

Thank you, Farmer Guy, Manchild, Daughter and Puppy G i n g e r for escorting me across Texas for this magichal trip.

Thank you, Enterprise for surprisingly renting me a car with a n g e l West Virginia plates.

These 'honest' gifts that we received as w o r d s

Because of our mama's friendship, we do...

Friends, Girlfriends, Grace and Graceful. 
Lipstick and Smiles. 
Positivity and Kindness. 
Education and Degrees. More Education and Degrees. 
Children and Community. 
Social and Activism.
Flowers, Beauty and Travel.
Parties and Celebrations
Sweets and Food. 
Volunteer and Intern. 
Cheer and Mascots (Cardinals, Mustangs and Eagles). 
Piano Lessons and Fashion. 
Justice and Integrity. 
Thank yous and Gratitude. 
Life, Death.
and Tea.

And so it is.

See Tee's b e a u t i f u l inspirational story and fund Cancer Sucks.

Click here: 

l o v e   


Tuesday, March 11, 2014

u n i t e d

United under one principle: to positively play with our ABCs in as many fun ways as we can come up with! It is simple, clean and keeps us on the edge of the unknown, exactly where we want to be!

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Love Fete

The l o v e f e s t has officially ended. 

s e r v i c e & g i f t s 

Valentine's Day can be such a holiday of decadence, my daughter believes us to have crossed through decadence into p u r e gluttony. I remind her that we don't do seven deadlies. 

However, there were Edible Arrangements with chocolate covered strawberries and heart shaped pineapple slices, Italian cuisine carry-out from Luigis, movies galore. One being Charlie Countryman. I'm kinda obsessing over Shia Lebeouf at present. "I am not famous anymore." #iamsorry

There were dozens not thousands like Kimye, but dozens of r o s e s- pink, white and red. Frank Sinatra satellite serenaded us. 

Victoria's Secret made her d e b u t. TMI, I know. Skip paragraph if not interested. I really n e e d to publicly announce that by joining one of their clubs either PINK nation or the official store, you can randomly receive coupons in the mail for free unmentionables. 

Farmer Guy delivered chess pie, plain and chocolate! Can you hear points tally like at the end of an e x c e l l e n t round of Ms. PacMan? 

There were desserts! Boxed chocolate, tiramisu, chocolate cake, cheese cake and fried rice.  Don't judge, fried rice IS a dessert.

L. D. Eagle posted today that food was her love language... I totally get that. Hear, hear & Eagulls, Eagulls...Eagulls, Eagulls!!!

What's a love fest without l o v e  languages? We executed each one, and we could taste love wafting on farm cloud air.

Dr. Gary Chapman devised the love languages for us all to better understand and communicate love. I remember the analogy about the people speaking different languages, like when building the Tower of B a b e l. They may have been saying the same thing but they weren’t hearing the same thing.  It's not so easy to connect when we are communicating differently.

What's your love language? Find out now: 

As with our online audience, we have to give love so they can hear it. 

These are the love languages:
  • Words of Affirmation 
  • Quality Time 
  • Receiving Gifts 
  • Acts of Service 
  • Physical Touch 

Here's where we left off...

Receiving Gifts 

Remember that the way a person receives love is also how they give it.

  • Crowdsourcing is critical here.  Contribute, or run a campaign.
  • Give away. Online give aways. Swag in person give aways. Give stuff away.
  • Give away really good tips on your blogs and posts. Content is king.
  • Other nice gifts include memes, photos and videos.
Acts of Service
This is a fun one!
  • Donate a part of your platform income to an organization that supports your vision or a really good fan.
  • Participate in a blog tour and share other people's work. If someone you know has something wonderful going on share about it with your readers.
Physical Touch
Reach out touch them!
  • Give shout outs.
  • Go to events and meet folks. Online and offline - from google hang outs to meet ups.
  •  Go off line and into the streets. Try to attend an event each season.

How else can we show love online? Drop me a line and let me know.

l o v e

Sunday, February 9, 2014

Love Languages & Carmina Burana

Before the holidays began and the polar v o r t e x commenced, I promised some fine folks at EPCC a post of incorporating love languages into one's online platform lives.

I really hadn't forgot. 

Some installments will be forthcoming. Of course these thoughts can be incorporated into any area of your life. #chapmanrocks 

Positivity is about love. Plain and simple. Love. 

Dr. Gary Chapman devised the love languages for us all to better understand and communicate love. I remember the analogy about the people speaking different languages, like when building the Tower of B a b e l. They may have been saying the same thing but they weren’t hearing the same thing.  It's not so easy to connect when we are communicating differently.

What's your love language? Find out now: 

As with our online audience, we have to give love so they can hear it. 

These are the love languages:
  • Words of Affirmation 
  • Quality Time 
  • Receiving Gifts 
  • Acts of Service 
  • Physical Touch 

What can we do for our friends and fans that are Words people? 

  • Like their comments. Love their posts. 
  • Respond to their comments. 
  • Tag them in posts.  
  • Blog. Give away really good content on your blogs and posts. 

Content is king. Social Media is set up to for this love language.  Surprise, I'm a w o r d s girl! Need w o r d s, try the I CAN Alphabets.

For the quality time f r i e n d s?

  • Pick your two favorite social media sites. FB should be one of them. Designate a time to spend time with your people. For two years we spent every Wednesday night in front of the screen spending time with folks and playing word games. We called that Wednesday Word Day. It was b e a u t i f u l & m a g i c a l.
  • Chat with others. 
  • Go to events or meet ups off line and spend actual time with people. 

On date night recently, Farmer Guy and I went to see a fabulous local version, MOSC, of Carmina Burana. w o n d e r f u l! 

Farmer Guy was soooooooooooooo jazzed, because he actually remembered the score, and I didn't. Okay, I did, but not before he did, so I conceded that he was more pedigreed than I. 

Uh, Non!

I believed it to be more pretentious and accurate to announce that I didn't listen to background music at sporting events and or commercials to be the reason for my lack of remembrance. 

"I would n e v e r hear that song in my day to day life."

So, I found it g i g g l e worthy that the background music to the Tower of Babel video that I posted below, is what? Of course... l o v e 

What's your love language? Find out now:

Soon come, more! 

l o v e

Thursday, January 23, 2014

Monday, January 20, 2014

BLERD c h i c

If you have found your way to Blerd Chic, you can probably relate to my sometimes overzealous embracing of New Year’s Resolutions. Like the original Blerd Girl Idol, Sondra Huxtable, I tend to be chronic overachiever, and self improvement enthusiast. often become addicted to the idea of setting goals.  It seems that I am always working toward…something. As 2012 came to end I found myself once again, exhausted, yet overeager to take on something more.

In one of our increasingly frequent moments of Blerd Chic Synchronicity, early December found Teffanie and I eagerly entrenched in New Year’s Resolution preparation discussions.   From across the country we turned down NPR and discussed multiple new career options on speaker phone as we multi tasked our way through that excessively derided working mother’s  Second Shift”.  So what I’m saying is, this conversation took place as picked kids up from school; sternly gave reminders to start homework while we ran to the grocery store for that one missing ingredient; picked up another kid from school; replied to text messages about upcoming weekend visitation arrangements; tried to remember what exactly we were supposed to put on the never ending to do list on the Notes App,  and somehow managed to squeeze in just one more load of laundry while we waited for the rice cooker to ding 

Here we were in the midst of all this busyness focused not on simplifying, but eagerly anticipating ways that we could add more to our Working Momma Blended Family Diva Artist Social Activist Educator Blerd Queen repertoire.

We are both full time Mommas and Educators. Yet in the past year, between the two of us, Teffanie and I have attempted to become near experts  in the subjects of  copy editing, hula hooping, wedding planning, blending families, codependency, cross country relocation, sign language, iron deficiencies, tarot card reading, natural beauty treatments, narcissists, nutritious family meal planning, juice fasts, PTSD,  Bedazzling(#isthatreallyaverb?), gender identity, Capoeira, nonprofit organizations and camp management.  

Yeah, I said hula hooping.  

Clearly, none of that seemed to be exciting enough, so here we both were considering big career changes. You know…Something Big. Off the Chain. Paradigm Changing. Fabulous… or maybe we should just go back for our PhDs?

Eventually the conversation turned to the inevitable question.

“SoThe Writing. How’s it coming? I mean REALLY. “

The truth was that despite bringing in some income with our writing this year, neither of our careers was where we wanted them to be.  That realization led us to begin to ask each other WHY we would consider adding just one more credential to our Blerd Queen resumes. What was really the important thing we were trying to get to with this entire exciting but sometimes disconcerting Blerd Chic’s Excellent Mid Life Adventure?   We were left with two words.

L  I F E.  S T Y L E.  Not the compound word kind.

More like with a pause in the middle.

Take a b r e a t h.

Breathe In LIFE. Downward Facing Dog on STYLE, and well you know.

e x h a l e .

As I have started to take this journey of examining my life and trying to pair it down,  Zen style, to the most essential elements, I have found myself entrenched in this idea of Mindfulness.  I decided to start my resolution early this year as our Blended Family Christmas had me searching for ways to bring consciousness and meaning to our children with Mindful Gift Ideas. All this simplifying even left me with some time to have a brief get away from all the holiday busyness and go see Django with my Honey.

So this year, we are calling you g a m e c h a n g e r s to join us on our journey to m i n d f u l ness. We know that all of you enthusiastic members of the Clair Huxtable Fan Club, will most definitely keep every New Year’s resolution you make.  

You are a m a z i n g, s e x y, f a b u l o u s. You can do anything and everything you choose.

W e are hoping that like us, that you will c h o o s e  this year to do less. Instead of making yet another New Year’s Resolution do each thing you do, with all of you.  

The Buddhist Monk Thich Nhat Hanh describes the concept of Mindfulness in our everyday lives in a way we Blerd Queen’s can all relate to.

“I clean this teapot with the kind of attention I would have were I giving the baby Buddha or Jesus a bath.” ― Thich Nhat Hanh,The Miracle of Mindfulness: An Introduction to the Practice of Meditation

We invite you to join us.

Embrace your inner Blerd.

What is your L I F E and S T Y L E?

How do you Blerd Chic’s and Chic Blerds navigate your way through your corner of the universe?
Get in the Tardis! We are ready for a Resolution Revolution! (By the Way…The Blerd Queens L O V E this year’s  Doctor Who Series  7, Episode 3   A Town Called Mercy  when the Tardis accidentally ended up in the Wild West!  The Doctor in the Wild Wild West? YUM!)
